Explanation of Class A Power Amplifier With Transistor Load

Single Ended Class A Power Amplifier with Transistor Load

The single ended class A power amplifier with transformer collector load is shown in fig. the resistors R1,R2 and RE form the biasing and stabilization network. The emitter bypass capacitor CE offers low reactance path to the signal.
Here we use transformer in the collector load. In the resistance coupled stage, the quiescent current passes through the load resistance. Thus there appears a considerable waste of power due to drop across load resistance due to passage of quiescent collector current which does not contribute to the a.c. output power. In addition to this usually many electronic systems have the loud-speaker as the load. The output impedance of the amplifier is high. The loud-speaker voice coil impedance is of 8Ω. For maximum has to be matched. This can be done by using a step-down transformer.

Single Ended Transformer Coupled Power Amplifier


The operating point is so selected that the transistor works only in the linear portion of its characteristics. The input signal varies the base current. This produces a variation in the collector current. As the collector current in the primary of the output transformer varies, the induced voltage in the secondary of the output transformer varies.

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