Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of Transformer Coupled Amplifier

Advantages and Disadvantages of Transformer Coupled Amplifiers

1.       No signal power is lost in the collector or base resistors.
2.       An excellent impedance matching and can be achieved in a transformer coupled amplifier.
3.       Due to excellent impedance matching, transformer coupling provides higher gain.
4.       D.C isolation between first and second stages.
1.       It has a poor frequency response.
2.       The coupling transformers are bulky and fairly expensive at audio frequencies.
3.       Frequency distribution is higher i.e. low frequency signals are less amplified as compared to the high frequency signals.
4.       Transformer coupling tends to introduce hum in the output.
5.       Cost is also more.

Applications of Transformer Coupled Amplifier

1.       These are mostly employed for impedance matching.

2.       These are used as driver amplifiers sometimes used as an output amplfiers.