Classification of Amplifiers

Classification of Amplifiers

Amplifiers are classified in the following ways.

1.       According to the Type of Load Impedance:  

According to this method of classification amplifiers may be classified  as
        (a)     Un tuned amplifiers
        (b)     Tuned amplifiers 
        Un tuned amplifiers may further be classified as
                        (i)     Audio frequency amplifiers
                        (ii)    Video frequency amplifiers 
Tuned amplifiers may further be classified as
                        (i)      Single tuned amplifiers
                       (ii)       Double tuned amplifiers 
                       (iii)     Stagger tuned amplifiers
2.    According to the Frequency Range
According to this method of classification amplifiers may be classified as
        (a)     D.C. amplifiers (for zero frequency or D.C.)
        (b)     Audio frequency amplifiers (20 Hz to 20 KHz)
        (c)     Video frequency amplifiers (0to few MHz (5 MHz))
        (d)     Ultra-high frequency and micro wave amplifiers (upto several GHz)
3.    According to the Number of Stages and Method of Coupling
The amplifiers may be classified as
         (a)     Single stage amplifiers and
         (b)     Multistage amplifiers
        Multistage amplifiers may further be classified according to the method of coupling i.e. the output of one stage to the input of the next. These are classified as
         (a)     Direct-Coupled amplifiers
         (b)     R.C. Coupled Amplifiers and
         (c)     Transformer Coupled amplifiers
4.   According to the Primary Function: 

The amplifiers may be classified as
         (a)     Small signal amplifiers and
         (b)     Large signal amplifiers.
5.   According to Method of Operation: 

The portion of operating point and the extent of the characteristics used determine the category of operation. Thus amplifiers may be classified as
         (a)     Class A amplifiers
         (b)     Class B amplifiers
         (c)     Class AB amplifiers and
         (d)     Class C amplifiers
6.   According to Ground Connection: 

According to this method of classification amplifiers may be classified as
        (a)     Common emitter amplifiers
        (b)     Common base amplifiers
(c)     Common collector amplifiers 

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